This app makes it easier to use the FHEM server via your smartphone.
Either on the Google Now gesture (press Home button long) or a Notification can open a panel.
When calling the control panel, this automatically via other apps over it (current app remains open) sets and disappears after use again. For a quick and comfortable control is enabled.
In this case, the control panel can be freely configured. A panel consisting of an arbitrary number of tabs, each consisting of a maximum of 6 normal or toggle buttons. Further Readings can be set from FHEM as text. Even icons on FontAwesome are possible.
- button
- Toggle Button
- Font Awesome incorporating your on the Cheat Sheet (Link:
- Arbitrary number of tabs (each 6 actions)
- Tab-change by wiping
- Own texts
- (Toggle) button can be hidden individually
- Recognition of the current state with toggle button
- Open Per notifiction (Notification appears only in specified WLANs (Optional))
- Alternative address for the server e.g .: DDNS
- Own color scheme
- Settings can be imported and exported.
- Connection via HTTPS / SSL (even specially generated certificates)
- Tasker integration
- Slider (for example to dim)
- Readings aas text definable
- Update after Button Print
- Continuous update possible
- Test for Server (WLAN and DDNS)
- Widget
About feedback I would be very happy!
Have fun with the app!